Monday, September 26, 2005


So, I saw the strangest thing last night. We are lucky to live in a more "country setting", so the soil is purer, and the air seems fresher. We have lots of little toads around; I see them frequently at night, especially at this time of year. Well, last night, one little toady hopped right up beside my foot; it let me pick it up without freaking out... And I noticed, this little toady only had one eye. At first I thought that maybe it had been injured, and the eye was just permanently closed. But as I took a closer look, I realized that there wasn't even any indication that the second eye had even existed. I think it developed this way or something; it was pretty cool. So, I put him back down in the garden, and I was totally cooled out.

Monday, September 19, 2005

So, I started my new job, and I love it. It's nice to have a job where it's totally flexible, and I can sit and focus on the work at hand without interruptions. The only difficult part, I've found, is getting the baby back and forth from my Mom's. But I think we've found a solution for that; Mom will keep him for 2 weeks straight, then I will bring him home for the 3rd week... that way, I don't have to make the hour-long drive quite so often.

Today, I've decided to take a day for myself. I have to get Zach up and off to daycare, but then, the rest of the morning is entirely mine.

Friday, September 02, 2005


I got the job!!!! Yay! I start on Tuesday. I found out about this on Wednesday, and I am so excited, but then proceeded into a slight panic, as I realized I had nothing really appropriate for the office that fits me anymore. Since having the children, my body has changed considerably. The office clothes I do have are a ridiculous size 3... yes, sick, I know... I really find it difficult to believe I was ever that tiny. Also, my feet have changed a full size, and all of my dress shoes are size 6... I am now a 7. Then, there's the bra issue... that is just so frustrating on so many levels!!! I have many that used to kind of fit... but now, after 2 babies... frustration sets in again... I really hate shopping for bras... mostly because it seems most stores don't carry anything that remotely even fits!

So Yesterday, I went shopping! I got a gorgeous long black blazer, that will go with anything I wear. i really need to look professional in this job since I will be working with Lawyers, and since my desk is apparently right outside the CEO's office.

Then, I actually found bras that more-or-less fit... well, at least I don't fall out of them if I bend over... could have used a bigger cup size, but alas, none to be found over DD... dammit!

And shoes... I really must commend the people who determine "fashion" in shoes this year... it seems that sexy heels are in... the catch... they all have rounded toes... so, they're actually very comfortable! I love high heels, but hate painful toes... These shoes are awesome!!!!