Saturday, October 08, 2005


So, I finally got my puppy, and his name is Goliath... big name... he's a Bichon Maltais...LOL. I really would have preferred a large breed. I want an Irish Wolfhound some day. But, my husband prefers to have a smaller breed, so, I saw Goliath, and fell in love. He actually looks like Benji, our family dog when I was growing up, who just passed away last year. The only difference is Goliath is smaller, and white. Benji was beige, and he was a Lhasa Apso/Poodle mix.

Thunder and Ebony (my cats) are kind of looking at Goliath going, *WTF*, is this lunch? Zach is thrilled, and he seems very aware that Goliath is tiny, so he has to be gentle.

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