Saturday, November 26, 2005

Spare Bedroom...

The baby's room is starting to look pretty good, although I still have a lot of junk to get out of here... oh my, how things accumulate. I recycled a whole pile of magazines, so I ended up filling 4 bins with paper for recycling. The closet looks a whole lot better, and all of my craft supplies (cross-stitch, knitting, etc) are up out of Zachy's reach.

So, half of the room looks great, while the other half of the room still needs quite a bit of work. I kind of got sidetracked, because Zachy did something to my computer, and I had to try and resolve it. I think I fixed most of it, but I'm still can't download updates from When I try to update, Internet Explorer crashes and shuts down...strange, because I can download things from other sites; it's just that one thing that's giving me problems.

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