Monday, June 04, 2007

Good news, and bad news (kind of)

Well, Gilles has been off work since March 30, and the job hunt has not been going very well. But this morning he got a call from his old boss from the Valleyfield GoodYear Plant, and it turns out he has a job available for Gilles in Medicine Hat, AB. $29/hr, and he gets to keep his seniority, his vacation, and his pension plan. We're just waiting for the guy to call back to confirm the details. The good part is, if Gilles accepts the job (and it looks like he's going to), we won't have to rush to get there. The guy said if we need 6 months to make the move, then the job will still be there.

I have mixed feelings, but I'm more excited than anything. I just hope there's a pagan community in Medicine Hat.

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