Monday, March 27, 2006


Okay, so the butt-dragging led to a full-blown week-long depression...could not go to work, could not get out of bed, could not think...and all that stuff. It was apparently a result of reducing my Lithium intake by 300mg per day. I did this at the recommendation of my doctor, to see if the Lithium was causing some extra strange muscle aches that were not related to working out. Ummm...conclusion...I'll deal with the muscle pains if they come back!

I'm feeling much better now, although it doesn't look like I'll be able to go to work today because Zach is really sick, and I don't think he'll be up to going to daycare. The poor kid has a fever, a wicked cough, runny nose (we're talking running faucet here), and it seems the cold is in his sinuses because his eyes are red, puffy, and constantly tearing.

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