Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Well, with the work situation going to shit, my husband is considering going to work in Alberta. They have contract positions for pipefitters out there where he'd spend 40 days in AB, and then come home for 2 weeks (travel paid by employer). I am all for it, as the jobs out there pay much better than here, but it also makes me slightly nervous. How the hell am I going to manage the house and both kids while he's away!? I guess it will just be an initiation by fire. Although he says that if he goes in the winter, he'll hire a contractor to clear the driveway... that makes me feel better as I can't shovel that much snow (we have a big driveway), and I can't leave the kids alone while I use the snow-blower. As for the cooking and cleaning, I'm getting better with all of that since we found a medication that is regulating my moods properly, so I guess it won't be so bad. I just told him he'd better make sure to leave me money for a babysitter once a week so I can have some time to myself!

1 comment:

Ali P said...

I was mostly alone for about 6 months while we transitioned to Qc from NS. At first I was wiggy. There was a lot of adjustment BUT also, I was in a very rural area in the middle of winter. Eventually things got better. I was stressy because of getting ready for the move. You won't have that.
Plusses of having a hubby away "Peanut butter and Jam for supper? Suuuure! No prob kids!" " Aaaaah! The vacuuming can wait another week..." :oD
Adjusting when he gets home can actually be the harder part because then you have to share control again and they upset the schedule or lack of.
You are stronger than you know. Make sure you DO get the ME time and remember to take the meds. Get hubby to take care of everything that needs doing before he goes too. Its great he's arranging for snow removal!
Sorry for the length..if you need me drop me a line.