Monday, June 12, 2006

Misc. Updates

I did my BOS dedication ritual in class on Saturday, and it went very well. I think I have a "magical voice" for working ritual etc, because I felt my voice resonating in my body in a way I've never felt it do before. So last night, I started copying the ritual into my first entry...I'm so happy.

I've also started working on my Herbal Grimoire, and oh boy it's going to be long. I'm just taking notes for now, and keeping my eye open for herbs I recognize for drying. I haven't decided on a format yet. I might go with a pre-bound artists book, but I kind of like the idea of having it in a binder too... I'm worried that in a binder, the pages would rip out (with the extra weight of the dried samples). Well, either way, I know I'm going to have to go with heavy paper (maybe that will solve the ripping problem).

The weather looks nice today! I'm meeting a friend for lunch, and then I'm going to see if I can get my eyes checked. I've been having some problems with my glasses (probably has more to do with the lense being scratched), but I think my prescription has changed again. So I need to get these lenses changed either way, and I really want contact lenses for the summer. Contact lenses allow me to be able to see when swimming, wear cheap sunglasses (I have a nasty habit of breaking or losing my sunglasses)...not to mention that I find I can see more clearly with contacts than I do with glasses. I think I'll get the regular (wash, put away, wear again) kind, but I also want to get disposibles for swimming and stuff (that way I don't have to freak if I lose one).

1 comment:

Ali P said...

Thats great about your BOS. isn't it amazing what we learn about ourselves? You are soooo far ahead of me.
Let me know if there are any herbs you need that I might have in the yard and I have found a field guide to weeds indispensible for wild herb identification. Excellent fun for camping trips too.