Sunday, July 09, 2006

Herb walk...and Ow, ow, ow!

I went on an herb walk yesterday with a wonderful group of people. It was incredible. We identified several plants...and some of them have even been growing in my garden at home and I've been ripping them out because I thought they were weeds! I had a great time.

The other thing I learned as a result of the herb walk is that I really NEED TO EXERCISE MORE; I am not in very good shape! I ended up doing over 3 hours of walking yesterday, and I am feeling the pain today. Anyway, instead of whining, I'm just going to do something about it.
  1. Daily exercise - either a good walk, or my Yoga or Qigong DVD...NO MORE EXCUSES.
  2. Start back up with my smoking cessation program...QUIT SMOKING, POINT FINALE!!!

That's it, that's all for now.

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