Saturday, July 29, 2006

So my moods are just kind of "blah" lately... I don't feel depressed, but I don't feel super-good either. I can't seem to get anything done in the house beyond keeping the kitchen clean and keeping on top of the laundry. It's bad... I often find myself being bored, but I don't know what to do with myself...MY BRAIN IS STILL NOT FUNCTIONING PROPERLY!!!!!!!

I thought a housewife was supposed to be busy all the time... the work never ends, right? And there's obviously stuff that still needs doing around here, so why can't I get to it?! I seriously need a Life Management Coach, or someone to help me start kicking my ass into gear. I'm feel like I'm not moving forward in anything. I still need to make the same changes in my life:
  • quit smoking
  • eat regular, healthy meals
  • lose 50 lbs (it used to be 30, but my meds are encouraging weight gain)
  • drink more water
  • exercise regularly

Okay, I do have to give myself credit in some areas.

  1. For about a month now, I am getting in a regular meditation before I go to bed.
  2. This week I did 30 crunches on Tuesday, and 30 crunches on Thursday
  3. I have been drinking more water, and on Thursday I made it up to 5 glasses

1 comment:

scarletcougar said...

congrats! I am slow on my similar list. This mugginess makes everyone's brains into unproductive mush. Thank gods for a/c in the bedroom.